SIZE US 11 (29cm)
今となっては聞き馴染みのあるFLYKNITですが初登場した2012年ではかなり革新的なものでした。そんなFLYKNITを使ったランニングシューズ、FLYKNIT RACERの登場です。FLYKNITはニットと名があるように糸を編まれてるくられています。そのためかなり軽量。しかも履き心地も非常によく、当時のNIKEのCEOはこれを「第二の皮膚」と呼んでいました。かなり鼻びっな色味の一足。チャレンジのしがいがあると思います。街ばきとしては派手なパンツにあえて合わせて欲しい。シンプルに履くならインディゴくらいのデニムが調子良さそうです。2015年製でこちらもランニングにもまだ使えると思います。ソールのすり減りもほとんど見られません。
FLYKNIT is now a familiar name, but when it first appeared in 2012, it was quite revolutionary. FLYKNIT is made of knitted yarn. Therefore, it is quite lightweight. The CEO of NIKE at the time called it "second skin. The color of this pair is quite naughty. I think they are worth a challenge. For street wear, I would like them to be worn with flashy pants. They were made in 2015 and can still be used for running. The soles show very little wear.
The Flyknit Racer celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. The upper is made of woven Flyknit material. Its breathability and light weight are lighter than sneakers and sandals. It is not just a running shoe, but its design and form are also beautiful, and I think it matches very well with the current fashion scene. A truly innovative sneaker and my favorite model. The coloring is typical of the running category. They look good as an accent on your feet. The shoes were made in 2015 and I think they are in good condition for their age.
国内の送料は一律 ¥550 になります。
About overseas shipping.
Duty and tax are to be paid by the customer.
This is a one-of-a-kind item. We do not accept returns or exchanges. Currently, it is a clean pair, but since it has been manufactured for many years, it may be damaged during future use due to deterioration. Please consider purchasing only those who can understand.
*Tax included.
*Shipping fee is not included.More information
*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.