SIZE US 11 (29cm)
今年で誕生から55年が経過するPUMA SUEDE。歴史の深い不朽の名作です。個人的にも思い入れがあり、今回イベントを開催しました。個人的にはPUMA SUEDEの魅力は歴史と履けば履くほど格好良くなるデザインだと思います。最初は陸上、次はバスケット。さらにストリートやヒップホップにまでその名を轟かせた歴史は非常に面白いです。よかったら調べてみてください。履いてもやはり格好良く、今履いて欲しいと感じるスニーカーです。本作はオールグレー。ワントーンのSUEDEは意外と珍かもしれません。こちらもかなり合わせやすいカラーリングだと思います。個人的にはグレーのスウェット、フリースとかと合わせたいですね。ソールが若干すり減っていますがアッパー含めその他状態は良好。こちらもまだまだ履いていただけます。
This year marks 55 years since the birth of the PUMA SUEDE, a timeless classic with a rich history. I have a personal attachment to it, which is why I held this event. Personally, I think the appeal of PUMA SUEDE is its history and the design that becomes better looking the more you wear it. First it was athletics, then basketball. The history of how PUMA SUEDE made its name on the streets and in hip-hop is very interesting. Check it out if you like. They are still cool to wear and are a sneaker that I feel you should wear now. This title is all gray. One tone SUEDE may be surprisingly rare. I think this coloring is also quite easy to match. Personally, I like to wear them with a gray sweatshirt or fleece. The soles are a little worn, but the rest of the shoes, including the uppers, are in good condition. You can still wear these too.
国内の送料は一律 ¥550 になります。
About overseas shipping.
Duty and tax are to be paid by the customer.
This is a one-of-a-kind item. We do not accept returns or exchanges. Currently, it is a clean pair, but since it has been manufactured for many years, it may be damaged during future use due to deterioration. Please consider purchasing only those who can understand.
*Tax included.
*Shipping fee is not included.More information
*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.