adidas KOBE TWO
adidas KOBE TWO
SIZE US 9.5 (27.5cm)
元NBA選手、KOBE・RRYANTが現役初期に契約していたメーカーがadidas。そんな彼のシグネイチャーシューズの二代目です。流線型の新幹線のようなフォルムが特徴的。当時としてもかなり新しいデザインで賛否が分かれたようです。そんなKOBE TWOですが、ショーツに白ソックスを合わせて履くとかなり格好良い。インパクトがあるスニーカーだからこそ、あとはシンプルに。他人と同じものが履きたくない方、面白いデザインが好きな方、そして何よりコービーが好きな方へおすすめの一足です。2001年製。若干の汚れ、使用感、レザーの劣化はありますが年代の割に状態は良好な方かと。紐がなかったのでこちらで選んだものを通しております。プレーでの着用はお勧めできませんが、街履きとしては履いていただけるのではないかなと思います。
This is the second generation of adidas's signature shoe. The streamlined, bullet train-like shape is a distinctive feature of this shoe. It was a fairly new design at the time, and there were mixed opinions about it. The KOBE TWO is quite cool when worn with shorts and white socks. Because it is a sneaker with impact, the rest should be simple. This pair is recommended for those who don't want to wear the same thing as others, those who like interesting designs, and above all, those who like Kobe. 2001. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you should never forget the name of the brand. I don't recommend wearing them for playing, but I think you can wear them as street shoes.
国内の送料は一律 ¥550 になります。
About overseas shipping.
Duty and tax are to be paid by the customer.
This is a one-of-a-kind item. We do not accept returns or exchanges. Currently, it is a clean pair, but since it has been manufactured for many years, it may be damaged during future use due to deterioration. Please consider purchasing only those who can understand.