SIZE : US W 7.5cm (24.5cm)
NIKE CONSIDEREDの代表作のCONSIDERED BOOTです。NIKEは1994年からREUSE A SHOEというプロジェクトを発足。靴をリサイクルし、バスケットコート等のNIKE GRINDとして復活させるというプロジェクトです。そこから派生したのがNIKE CONSIDERED。REUSE A SHOEで効率よくリサイクルできるように分解しやすいデザインが施されており、接着剤は可能な限り使わず、着色と製造工程を密接させることで輸送のエネルギーを削減。素材も少し特殊で、アッパーは野菜染めの牛革を使用。ウーブンはヘンプとコットンの混紡、アウトソールはREUSE A SHOEの素材を使用。環境配慮への配慮がこれでもかとされているプロダクトです。そんなNIKE CONSIDEREDですが、発足は2005年。この一足も2005ねんせいです。サスティナブルが今ほど浸透する前からこのプロダクト。脱帽です。無駄のない工程から作られた無駄のないデザイン。背景、デザインともに大好きな一足です。状態も非常に良く、アッパーに若干傷は見られますが、まだまだ履いていただける一足だと思います。
This is a CONSIDERED BOOT, a representative work of NIKE CONSIDERED NIKE launched a project called REUSE A SHOE in 1994. NIKE launched a project called "REUSE A SHOE" in 1994 to recycle shoes and revive them as NIKE GRIND for basketball courts, etc. The NIKE CONSIDERED is derived from this project. The NIKE CONSIDERED is a derivative of this project, designed to be easy to disassemble for efficient recycling with REUSE A SHOE, using as little glue as possible, and reducing transportation energy by keeping the coloring and manufacturing processes close together. The materials are also a bit special: the uppers are made of vegetable-dyed cowhide. The woven fabric is a blend of hemp and cotton, and the outsole is made of REUSE A SHOE material. This is a product in which environmental considerations have been taken into account to the fullest extent. NIKE CONSIDERED was launched in 2005. This pair was also made in 2005. This product was made before the word "sustainable" became as widespread as it is today. Hats off to NIKE CONSIDERED. A lean design made from a lean process. I love this pair both in background and design. They are in very good condition, and although there are some scratches on the uppers, I think you can still wear this pair.
国内の送料は一律 ¥550 になります。
About overseas shipping.
Duty and tax are to be paid by the customer.
This is a one-of-a-kind item. We do not accept returns or exchanges. Currently, it is a clean pair, but since it has been manufactured for many years, it may be damaged during future use due to deterioration. Please consider purchasing only those who can understand.
*Tax included.
*Shipping fee is not included.More information
*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.