SIZE 41 (US 7.5 / 25.5cm)
La sportiva のトレッキングブーツです。我々もまだまだ勉強不足でモデル名、年代は不明です。ご存じの方は教えてください。形状やタグのデザインから近年のものでは無さそうです。アウトソールはvibram® でイタリア製の1足です。見た目どおり、そこそこ重量もあり全体的にハード(固い)作りなので本格的なトレッキング用のブーツです。使用感はありますが状態は良く、まだまだ履いていただけると思います。春夏はショートパンツで、秋冬はきれいめなウールのスラックスなどと合わせてほしい1足です。
These are trekking boots from La sportiva. We are not sure of the model name or age as we are still learning about them. Please let us know if you know. The shape and the design of the tag suggest that they are not recent. The outsole is vibram® and made in Italy. The boots are made in Italy with vibram® outsole. They are in good condition and can still be worn. These boots are great to wear with shorts in the spring and summer, and with a clean pair of wool slacks in the fall and winter.
国内の送料は一律 ¥550 になります。
About overseas shipping.
Duty and tax are to be paid by the customer.
This is a one-of-a-kind item. We do not accept returns or exchanges. Currently, it is a clean pair, but since it has been manufactured for many years, it may be damaged during future use due to deterioration. Please consider purchasing only those who can understand.
*Earliest delivery date is 9/12(Thu) (may require more days depending on delivery address).
*Tax included.
*Shipping fee is not included.More information
*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.