SIZE US 9.5 (27.5cm)
NIKE ALPHA PROJECTからの一足。"AIR KUKINI"のオリジナルは2000年に発売され、特異なデザインとその独特なフィッティングで注目を浴びたランニングシューズです。水面を表してるかのデザイン。これからの時期にはぴったりかと。デニム合わせが間違いないと思いますが、ソックスを溜めてのショーツや、涼しくなってきたらスウェットなど。幅が広がる一足ではないかなと思います。2022年製。若干の使用感はありますが状態は良好。まだまだ履いていただける一足です。箱もお付けします。
A pair from the NIKE ALPHA PROJECT." The original “AIR KUKINI” was released in 2000 and was a running shoe that attracted attention for its unique design and its unique fitting. The design seems to represent the surface of the water. I think they are perfect for the coming season. Denim is definitely the best pairing, but they can also be worn with socks and shorts, or with sweatshirts when the weather gets cooler. Made in 2022. The shoes are in good condition with some signs of use. You can still wear them. The box is also included.
国内の送料は一律 ¥550 になります。
About overseas shipping.
Duty and tax are to be paid by the customer.
This is a one-of-a-kind item. We do not accept returns or exchanges. Currently, it is a clean pair, but since it has been manufactured for many years, it may be damaged during future use due to deterioration. Please consider purchasing only those who can understand.
*Earliest delivery date is 1/23(Thu) (may require more days depending on delivery address).
*Tax included.
*Shipping fee is not included.More information
*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.