SIZE 38-39
ライト・トレッキング用のvibram®ソールを搭載した、新しいモックタイプのシューズTRAIL MOCです。たくさんの方に愛されたGARDEN MOCの後継モデルになります。前作よりシャープでよりアクティブなシーンで活躍する1足です。アッパーは表面に毛羽立ちがあるシャギースエード(牛革)と伸縮性のあるネオプレーン、ヒールにスムースレザー(牛革)の3素材で構成しています。我々は古今東西、様々なスニーカーに触れています。調節器具がつかないスリッポンのモックシューズは、いつでも魅力を感じます。街でも自然の中でもフィットする、今履きたい新しいモックシューズ、TRAIL MOCの登場です。
TRAIL MOC is a new moc-type shoe equipped with a vibram® sole for light trekking. It is the successor to the GARDEN MOC, which was loved by many people. Sharper than its predecessor, this is a pair that is more active in active scenes. The upper is made of three materials: shaggy suede (cowhide) with a furry surface, elastic neoprene, and smooth leather (cowhide) on the heel. We are exposed to a wide variety of sneakers, both old and new. Slip-on moc shoes with no adjustable devices attached are always appealing. The TRAIL MOC is the new moc shoe you want to wear now, fitting both in the city and in nature.
Since we see many sneakers, go through many sneakers, and own many sneakers, There are things we found. Taking advantage of this knowledge, we are developing the original sneaker PG with a unique perspective of PLAYGROUND paying respect to traditional designs and functions. It is a product that combines rational design, comfortable performance, and casual price.
Customers who purchase pg will get a PLAYGROUND original shopping bag and stickers.
国内の送料は一律 ¥550 になります。
About overseas shipping.
Duty and tax are to be paid by the customer.
In the case of overseas shipping, we do not accept returns or exchanges other than initial defects. Please consider it with caution. Thank you.
*Earliest delivery date is 9/12(Thu) (may require more days depending on delivery address).
*Tax included.
*Shipping fee is not included.More information
*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.