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中目黒にあるネパール料理レストランのADI さんとのコラボレーション、第二弾になります。シェフでもあるKanchanさんの意向を取り入れつつ、Kanchanさんの故郷ネパールに思いを寄せて調理場でも街でも履けるシューズを作りました。アッパーはCOW SUEDE(牛革)とネオプレーンの2層構造です。COW SUEDEの表面は撥水加工が施されています。(*撥水加工による効果は永久ではございません)内側の伸縮性に優れたネオプレーンとFREELOCKシステムでアジャストできます。フッドベッドは衝撃吸収性の高いEVAが内蔵されており、表面は抗菌防臭効果のあるシンセティックレザーで構成しています。ソールはvibram®のライト・トレッキング用のソールを使用しています。このソールにはトランクション・ラグと呼ばれる新機能が搭載されています。細かい凹凸のソールは、履いて負荷がかかることにより、ソールの接地面積が最大50%アップし、地面をしっかり捉え、従来のソールより前に踏み出す力が25%増える機能的なソールです。機能的にもデザイン的にも、良いシューズができたと自負しています。
This is the second collaboration with ADI, a Nepalese restaurant in Nakameguro. While incorporating the wishes of Mr. Kanchan, who is also the chef, we have created shoes that can be worn both in the kitchen and on the street, with a nod to Kanchan's homeland of Nepal. The upper is made of two layers of cow suede and neoprene, and the surface of the cow suede has a water-repellent finish. (The cow suede surface has a water-repellent finish (the water-repellent effect is not permanent), and the inside can be adjusted with the highly elastic neoprene and FREELOCK system. The footbed is made of shock-absorbing EVA and the surface is composed of synthetic leather with anti-bacterial and odor-resistant properties. The sole is made of vibram® light trekking sole. This sole is equipped with a new feature called tranction lugs. The fine uneven sole is a functional sole that increases the sole's ground contact area by up to 50% when worn and loaded, gripping the ground more firmly and increasing the forward step force by 25% compared to conventional soles. We are proud to have created a shoe that is both functionally and design-wise good.
Since we see many sneakers, go through many sneakers, and own many sneakers, There are things we found. Taking advantage of this knowledge, we are developing the original sneaker PG with a unique perspective of PLAYGROUND paying respect to traditional designs and functions. It is a product that combines rational design, comfortable performance, and casual price.
Customers who purchase pg will get a PLAYGROUND original shopping bag and stickers.
国内の送料は一律 ¥550 になります。
About overseas shipping.
Duty and tax are to be paid by the customer.
In the case of overseas shipping, we do not accept returns or exchanges other than initial defects. Please consider it with caution. Thank you.
*Tax included.
*Shipping fee is not included.More information
*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.