SIZE : 41-45
PLAYGROUND NAGOYAが編集したNEW DAWNの新色です。PLAYGROUND NAGOYAの目の前には久屋大通公園が広がっています。今回のNEW DAWNはそんな久屋大通公園の春夏の鮮やかな木々をイメージ。ヒールやアンクル部には初々しい新緑を。アッパーを覆うネイロンメッシュとスエード部には新緑を支える樹木を表現。軽快な歩行が可能になるNEW DAWNにぴったりのカラーを落とし込みました。
ナイロンメッシュにスエード、vibram トレイルラン用のソールにフリーロック。これはレトロランニングスニーカー系の進化版なのか否か。THE ANSWER IS YOURS.答えはあなた次第。
This is a new color of NEW DAWN edited by PLAYGROUND NAGOYA. Hisaya-odori Park spreads out in front of PLAYGROUND NAGOYA. This time, NEW DAWN is inspired by the vivid trees of Hisaya Odori Park in spring and summer. The heel and ankle parts are decorated with fresh new greenery. The Nylon mesh covering the upper and the suede part represent trees supporting the fresh greenery. The colors are perfect for the NEW DAWN, which allows for a light walking style.
Suede on nylon mesh, FREELOCK on trail running soles by Vibram . Is this an evolved version of the retro running sneaker system? The answer is up to you.
Since we see many sneakers, go through many sneakers, and own many sneakers, There are things we found. Taking advantage of this knowledge, we are developing the original sneaker PG with a unique perspective of PLAYGROUND paying respect to traditional designs and functions. It is a product that combines rational design, comfortable performance, and casual price.
Customers who purchase pg will get a PLAYGROUND original shopping bag and stickers.
国内の送料は一律 ¥550 になります。
About overseas shipping.
Duty and tax are to be paid by the customer.
In the case of overseas shipping, we do not accept returns or exchanges other than initial defects. Please consider it with caution. Thank you.
*Earliest delivery date is 1/25(Sat) (may require more days depending on delivery address).
*Tax included.
*Shipping fee is not included.More information
*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.