SIZE : 41-44
pg では初になるミッドカット仕様になります。つま先からラバー、レザー(牛革)、ネオプレーンのレイヤーで構成されたアウターとナイロンのインナーの2層構造のシューズです。インナーにはクイックシューレースシステムを初めて採用しました。シューレースを結ぶこと無くアジャスターで簡単にホールド、リリースができます。ソールはおなじみvibram®のライトトレック用のソールを使用しています。見た目のボリュームに相反して軽量で底あたりも柔らかく軽快に着用できます。vibram®MEGAGRIPのアウトソールにより、濡れた路面でも滑らず優れた防滑性を兼ね揃えています。このカラーリングはPLAYGROUND限定の特別な1足です。街から野山までアクティブに履いて欲しいシューズです。
This is the first mid-cut version for pg. This is a two-layer shoe with an outer layer consisting of rubber, leather (cowhide), and neoprene layers from the toe, and a nylon inner layer. The inner layer is the first to adopt the Quick Shoe Lace System. The adjuster allows for easy hold and release without tying the laces. The sole uses the well-known vibram® sole for the Light Trek. The vibram® MEGAGRIP outsole provides excellent slip resistance on wet surfaces. This coloring is a special PLAYGROUND exclusive. These shoes are perfect for active wear from the city to the mountains.
Since we see many sneakers, go through many sneakers, and own many sneakers, There are things we found. Taking advantage of this knowledge, we are developing the original sneaker PG with a unique perspective of PLAYGROUND paying respect to traditional designs and functions. It is a product that combines rational design, comfortable performance, and casual price.
Customers who purchase pg will get a PLAYGROUND original shopping bag and stickers.
国内の送料は一律 ¥550 になります。
About overseas shipping.
Duty and tax are to be paid by the customer.
In the case of overseas shipping, we do not accept returns or exchanges other than initial defects. Please consider it with caution. Thank you.
*Earliest delivery date is 2/22(Sat) (may require more days depending on delivery address).
*Tax included.
*Shipping fee is not included.More information
*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.